Parliament brief: The legislative process

This summary sets out the key steps in Parliament’s process to pass legislation, with an…

Parliament’s financial scrutiny cycle

This one-page resource includes a diagram showing Parliament’s financial scrutiny cycle, which…

Data visualization checklist

This checklist describes what good looks like for the different aspects of a data visualization.…

Policy Quality Framework

The Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet hosts the Policy Project. This Policy Quality…

Developing papers with the Policy Quality Framework

The Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet hosts the Policy Project. This checklist for peer…

Social Investment Unit: Briefing to the Incoming Ministers

This 2017 Briefing to the Incoming Minister sets out why social investment matters, and what a…

Social sector commissioning: Progress, principles and next steps

In 2018, the then-Government tasked social sector Chief Executives to look into the way their…

Demonstrating the complexities of being poor; an empathy tool

This 2014 research report came out of the Families 100 project, which involved extensive research…