Visuals in policy making: ‘See what I’m saying’, from Evidence-based policy making in the social sciences
This single-page resource offers tips for developing a visual metaphor, by choosing the type of…
Policy Quality Framework
The Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet hosts the Policy Project. This Policy Quality…
Developing papers with the Policy Quality Framework
The Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet hosts the Policy Project. This checklist for peer…
Social sector commissioning: Progress, principles and next steps
In 2018, the then-Government tasked social sector Chief Executives to look into the way their…
Let it go: Devolving power and resources to improve lives
New Zealand’s system of social supports does not meet the needs of some people, and significantly…
Demonstrating the complexities of being poor; an empathy tool
This 2014 research report came out of the Families 100 project, which involved extensive research…
Speaking for ourselves: The truth about what keeps people in poverty from those who live it
This 2014 research report came out of the Families 100 project, which looked into the lives of 100…
Risk management framework: Invercargill City Council
This policy sets out what is required for officers at Invercargill City Council to manage risk, but…