Parliament’s financial scrutiny cycle

This one-page resource includes a diagram showing Parliament’s financial scrutiny cycle, which…

Policy Quality Framework

The Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet hosts the Policy Project. This Policy Quality…

Developing papers with the Policy Quality Framework

The Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet hosts the Policy Project. This checklist for peer…

Social Investment Unit: Briefing to the Incoming Ministers

This 2017 Briefing to the Incoming Minister sets out why social investment matters, and what a…

Social sector commissioning: Progress, principles and next steps

In 2018, the then-Government tasked social sector Chief Executives to look into the way their…

Learning what works for whom at what cost

Understanding what works for whom at what cost starts with asking the right questions. Questions…

Risk management framework: Invercargill City Council

This policy sets out what is required for officers at Invercargill City Council to manage risk, but…

‘Narrative and storytelling’, from Evidence-based policy making in the social sciences

Storytelling is important, including to the creation of policy or legislation, because it helps…