Running a rigorous Cabinet paper process
Any product created by a policy professional needs a good narrative - but it's especially important…
What good looks like in a Cabinet paper
Cabinet is the engine room of the Government, taking major decisions on the Government's behalf.…
Insight into how Sir Brian Roche’s high-level direction of the public service will impact day-to-day work
Last week, our new Public Service Commissioner, Sir Brian Roche, spoke about reorientating the…
Are public servants spending too much time in unproductive meetings?
Public servants are spending too much time in unproductive meetings. Is the stereotype harsh, fair,…
The legislation programme, and how it’s prioritised
Governments usually have a long list of things they want to achieve, but limited resources to…
How to write talking points
Talking points are used by senior leaders to speak at meetings and events, including Ministers…
What happens in a sitting week?
Parliament has a rhythm, and that rhythm is important to policy professionals because it drives a…
What are Long-term Insights Briefings?
Government agencies in New Zealand and around the world are sometimes criticised for short-term…