Risk, wellbeing, and public policy

Risk is a long-standing consideration for policy professionals, behavioural economists, and others.…

Kapasa: The Pacific Policy Analysis tool

The Kapasa tool supports policy professionals to include data and information about Pacific peoples…

Getting the relationship right: Effective engagement with Ministers across the political/administrative interface

This article reports highlights from a panel discussion jointly hosted by the Institute of Public…

Free and frank advice, and policy stewardship

Providing free and frank advice is integral to the development and delivery of policy stewardship,…

SIA’s Beginners’ Guide to the IDI

The Integrated Data Infrastructure (IDI) is a large research database curated by Stats NZ,…

How do government agencies give out money?

To do its job, a government agency often has to give out money: buying goods and services or…

How do you write a strategy?

Strategies are one tool that governments use to achieve long-term goals - and if you're a policy…

What does ‘free and frank’ mean in practice? 

If you're a public servant, being 'free and frank' is an incredibly important part of the job. It…