Insight into how Sir Brian Roche’s high-level direction of the public service will impact day-to-day work
Last week, our new Public Service Commissioner, Sir Brian Roche, spoke about reorientating the public service . This is…
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Are public servants spending too much time in unproductive meetings?
Public servants are spending too much time in unproductive meetings. Is the stereotype harsh, fair, or a bit of both?
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What does ‘free and frank’ mean in practice?
If you're a public servant, being 'free and frank' is an incredibly important part of the job. It means giving advice…
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How to run a cross-agency consultation
As policy professionals, more often than not, the policy challenges that we’re trying to address are complex and…
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Why language matters in policy
Especially if you’ve been through a change of government as a public servant, you might have been surprised how much…
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Using data when we talk about equity
When we teach our FrankCapability learners how to approach a policy problem, we often get asked something. How can…
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Using expert opinion in policy making
As policy professionals, we have to generate rigorous advice – often on complex issues that require careful analysis.…
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2024 Taituarā Conference
The annual conference for local government professionals. This year's theme is connection, with the intention to ignite…
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The go-to conference for councils across the country. This year focuses on using local knowledge and power to tackle…
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Government consultations
Find out about current proposals, what the proposals involve, and how you can respond. Feedback will be considered by…
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