Solution scanning as a key policy tool: Identifying management interventions to help maintain and enhance regulating ecosystem services
Especially in the area of resource management, identifying…
Kapasa: The Pacific Policy Analysis tool
The Kapasa tool supports policy professionals to include…
Getting the relationship right: Effective engagement with Ministers across the political/administrative interface
This article reports highlights from a panel discussion…
Free and frank advice, and policy stewardship
Providing free and frank advice is integral to the…
Best practice regulation: Setting targets and detecting vulnerabilities
New Zealand’s 1991 Building Act created a new regulatory…
Anticipatory public budgeting: Adapting public finance for the 21st century
Governments face long-term challenges, but while…
An evidence rating scale for New Zealand: Understanding the effectiveness of interventions in the social sector
Evidence-based policy is important, which means that policy…
A new way of thinking: Critical Treaty analysis
The authors studied a group of policies to see how well…